Куплю Rans S-10 Sakota или S-9 Chaos целиком или КИТ.


Я не умею строить самолеты, я умею на них летать!)
Можно не до конца собранный КИТ.
Желательно без двигателя. Рассмотрю варианты обмена.
This RANS S-10 project is for sale. The aircraft was completed in 1991 and was certified in the Experimental category. It has accumulated over 260 hours flight time. (More photos below.)

This S-10 is powered by a Rotax 582 with Warp Drive ground-adjustable composite propeller and electric starter. A custom instrument panel relocates the instruments and switches to within easy reach and improves readability.

Unlike S-10's powered by the stock wooden propeller, this S-10 is capable of 130 MPH in level flight, and is much more manageable during aerobatics as well as normal maneuvering. It is also capable of an astonishing rate of climb. (See articles listed below for more information about its flying characteristics.)

The aircraft is currently disassembled and is complete except for the right wing and windshield.

The aircraft was damaged in an emergency landing after an engine failure on takeoff. (See articles listed below for more information about the crash).

Except for the right wing, aileron, and fuselage, all damaged parts, including landing gear and right side tail surfaces, have been replaced by parts purchased new from RANS. These parts have been epoxy coated.

Bent fuselage tubes were replaced by A&P Jim Allen, an expert welder who previously built several Starduster aerobatic aircraft from scratch. The fuselage is now stronger than it was originally, and only fractionally lighter.

Only the onset of my long term illness prevented the reassembly of this S-10 after Jim's repairs.

At this point the aircraft needs only recovering and reassembly to be flightworthy again.

Included are a Terra transponder with altitude encoder, full VFR and engine instrumentation, complete wiring harness, inverted fuel system, Mikuni pumper carbs, and a Rotax 582 engine. Many spares are also included, along with a Rotax 532. Both engines need rebuilding.

I'm open to offers for the complete project.

My brother Nate Hine is handling the sale. Email Nate or call him at 802-765-4227.

Спасибо, конечно, но аварийный я брать не хочу. Я не конструктор, а только лётчик. :-/
в Чехии продавали Rans без дв-ля за смешные деньги, стоял субару, не могу найти ссылку, а может уже и продали.
года назад продавали в грызлово , но там был полностью готовый !где то на форуме было и о продаже и о сборке !
Олег, купи Аэролайт и наслаждайся. Нету на просторах России самолета S-9.
Олег, купи Аэролайт и наслаждайся. Нету на просторах России самолета S-9.
Я чувствую и уже давно, что придётся быть первопроходцем в этом плане....
Пока предлагают только S10, что в общем-то тоже не плохо.
Про Аэролайт поподробнее можно?
