Продаю Maule M7-T-235 2006 г.в. 600 часов налета

Mr. Nice

Я люблю строить самолеты!
Продаем Maule M7-T-235. 2006 г.в. - 600 часов налета - состояние нового самолета! Летал только на Авгазе 100LL.

Стоимость - 140 000$(без НДС).

Все пошлины и сборы оплачены!

Самолет находится в Киргизии, г.Бишкек.

Звонить по телефону: +996-552-100-300 (whatsapp, viber)

Покупали в 2015 году, за 2 года налетали 100 часов, характеристики при покупке:

PS Engineering EI PMA 7000B Intercom with Marker Beacon
Garmin GTX330 Transponder Mode, C/S
Bendix King KN62A DME
Bendix King KR87 Digital ADF
King AK-451 GPS ELT, 406 mHz
S-TEC 30 Autopilot
S-TEC Heading Bug D.G.
WX500 Stormscope System provision with EASA Minor Change Approval (Unit not included)
J.P. Instruments (JPI) EDM930 Primary Engine Data Management System, Installed with EASA STC
Intercom Mike and Phone Jack connections for all 5 occupants
1 Headset
14 Volts Electrical System

Auxiliary Cabin Cool Air
Long range fuel tanks, 85 USG total
Avionics Package: IFR-4 (IFR Certified in USA, not in Europe)
5th Seat with 3 Point Shoulder Harness
Fire Extinguisher (Halon)
Float Fitting-Aft Attache Points (Weld-In) (Requires Aft Bolt-On)
Float Fitting-Forward - (Nose Wheel Models)
Glider/Banner Tow Release Kit-(Tost) (Incl. Dual Tail Struts
Camera hole
Micro Aerodynamics Vortex Generators
Observation Door w/Vinyl Panel Inserts (All Doors equipped with Plexiglass for Observation)
Openable Observation Swing Out Pilot and Copilot Door Windows
Rosen Sun Visors
Oregon Aero Contoured Seat Cushions for Pilot and Copilot
4 Point Pilot and Copilot Shoulder Hrness
Sky Light Super Size w/Cover
Landing lights
Strobe and position lights
Ground Service Kit (External power connector)
Powder Coated Instrument Panel (Mist)
Polished Propeller Spinner
Tow Bar
Control Locks
Custom Aircraft Cover

White with Blue Stripes

5 seats (currently only 4 seats are fitted, 5th seat is in storage and can be fitted by the pilot)
Leather interior and leather seats

Other remarks
Always hangared
Never used for glider or banner towing
No damage history
2 owners since new
All log books available
Previously registered in USA and Spain
Currently under CAMO contract
Last annual inspection performed 19 March 2014 at TT: 449:05 hrs
ARC Valid through April 14th, 2015
MTOW: 2500 Lbs (1134 Kg)
Empty Weight with all 5 Seats installed: 1807.0 Lbs
Noise Certificate: 82.7 dB(A)
Specification subject to verification by purchaser

Airframe sn 18087C
TT: 495 hrs
Lycoming IO-540-W1A5 (Fuel Injected, 235 hp)
TT: 495 hrs
TBO: 2000 hrs / 12 years
Slick Magnetos 500 hrs inspection performed 29 March 2012 at TT: 477 hrs
McCauley B2D37C224-B/6-90RA-9, 2 bladed, constant speed with polished spinner
(Originally equipped with 3 Bladed Hartzell Shimitar propeller, replaced for EASA Certifcation)
Installed in March 2011
TT: 377 hrs
TBO 1800 hrs / 6 years


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