I wonder if one reason more of this type of aircraft isn’t flown is because they’re built by what is essentially a network of cottage industries that don’t have proper marketing and sales forces. They depend on word of mouth, exposure at shows and the odd press review, plus hit-and-miss social media efforts. (Maybe.) That's another way of saying Cirrus has a pedigree, Bristell doesn't. More than one reader who has seen detailed reviews or actually looked at these airplanes has remarked on their surprising capability and economy, as in, “really, I had no idea.”
Could a company willing to invest in a sales force sell enough to justify the investment? If Cirrus finds 300-plus million-dollar buyers, can’t someone find 150 under $200K buyers? Someone would have to invest to answer that question, but would-be buyers won’t buy if they don’t know what these airplanes can actually do.