50 мопедовских кубиков раздробили на 4 цилиндра.По тем временам выжали то-ли 5 лошадок, то-ли еще больше.
У хонды было максимум 2 цилиндра 16 лошадок 20,000rpm
У сузуки был рекордный 3-цилиндровик 19лс (380лс с литра) http://advrider.com/index.php?threads/380-bhp-liter-40-years-ago.412922/
А потом в правилах запретили цилиндры меньше 50 кубиков...
Сегодня на рекордных игрушках пару энтузиастов получают больше 30, но это уже только с турбокомпрессором.
скорость до 233
Что можно но никому не нужно - 50 кубовик 40сил на 2 цилиндрах
Maximum output of a 50cc engine using "today's technology"!
The expert:
"The best horsepower we attained at Aprilia last year (2007
125cc GP) was 53.9 HP at 13,000 rpm. This means a Pme of 14.88 at a piston speed of 23.6 m/sec. Using these same values means that a single cylinder 50cc would give 29.5 HP at 17,850 rpm and a
50cc twin would give 39 HP at 23,600 rpm, measured at the gearbox output shaft. I am 100% sure these values can be attained although it never will be proved due to lack of interest and money.
Remember that 50cc development was stopped in 1983 and enormous progress was made in the following 24 years. Now, sadly, also the development of the 125cc two strokes has stopped, the two stroke will only survive in karting but there will be no progress because of the very strict regulations!" - Jan Thiel 2008